Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blog # 8


     Free will discuses ones ability to choose their decision with their own choice where determinism discuses the idea that all of ones decision are premeditated. Every person has free will. They have right to choose what’s good or bad for them. If the future is predetermined, there is no way to change the outcome of something that has already been determined. In the movie Minority Report, Oedipus the King and “Free Will and Determinism in the World of Minority Report” portrays ways in how we can determine whether humans have control over free will or not.

     In the passage, “free will and determinism in the world of minority report” explained that, free will is required two things alternate possibilities and self control. It mentions robot which lacks of free will because it lacks alternate possibilities. It controls its own actions according to a definite program, but when it comes to humans they almost have alternate possibilities and self controls. In the play, Oedipus was predetermined to kill his father where three roads meet. He met a herald and a horse drawn carriage and inside there was an old man. The old man lashed out him and shoving him aside. Oedipus had choice to walk away but he could not control his anger. That means Oedipus had alternate possibilities to walk away and self control to control his temper.

      In Minority report, the pre-crime system punished criminals who haven’t committed crimes yet. This system is better for mankind but there raise one question that is it unjust to punish someone for what who he is not responsible for? In the movie, the pre-crime police explain that, “the fact that you prevented it from happening doesn’t change the fact that is going to happen”. Therefore, preventing these predetermined futures from happening doesn’t mean the course of the event can’t be changed. If there is free will in certain extent therefore hard determinism is a threat to free will.

     Michael Huemer explains that “Free will and Determinism in the world of minority report” there are two levels of determinism, hard determinism and soft determinism. Soft determinism is true and yet we have free will anyway (Huemer106) and hard determinism where we have no free will and our future is predetermined. In the movie and the play these two determinism are taking place. In the movie “Minority report” John future was predetermined and he will be murderer of Leo crow. He choose to face his future. According to the pre-crime, there only one future is possible that he will commit a murder. However, he had his free will to choose whether he wants to kill him or not and he decide to not to kill Leo. “One thing that is often said is that when we make choices, at least some of the time, we directly, introspectively aware of our freedom” (Huemer108). Therefore in this situation soft determinism is taking place. In the play, Oedipus was predicted to kill his father Laius and marry his mother Jocasta. He tried to escape his future but he did not change his destiny. He did not had any other options to avoid killing his father because he did not know that Laius his biological father. Regarding this hard determinism is taking place because Oedipus didn’t a criminal and he did not had free will to change his future.
    Overall it can be said that Oedipus and john faces the choice between free will and determinism. They both have free will to change their lives. John Anderton choose to not to kill the Leo and Oedipus had options to choose another fate but he choose the wrong one; there was only determinism in which he had no alternate possibilities.

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