Wednesday, October 24, 2012

BLOG # 7

Fatema tuz zohora

Eng 101-0786

Dr. Vasileiou

Blog 07

Date: 10.24.2012

Allegory of the cave

In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Socrates states that humans were trapped their whole life in a cave. Humans were chained in cave and can only see right in front of them. They had a fire burning behind them, and they saw shadows of people walking by carrying odd shaped objects. They knew nothing but these shadows and truly do belief they were real. One day one of the prisoners released and let out into the real world. His eyes were dazzled and could not see anything. After a few moments he had experienced many different things like the sun light that burned his eyes, as he finally got his sight back it became clear to him that what he believed was the real world was only his imagination. When he ran back to the cave to tell the other prisoners, they didn’t believe him. They thought that he was being crazy and they did not allow him live in the cave. In my opinion, our life is controlled by just like puppet show. People today are still kept in the dark by the government, and television and the media. They don’t believe what the reality is, they don’t find the truth, they just live on lie.

In pre Islamic Arabia, women had no rights. They were not considered equal to man and even if women gave birth to girl, people in Arabia killed the infant girl. A female baby was considered a disgrace to the family and female infanticide was a common response. Female baby was thought to be evil, many of them were sold or buried alive. There many people today believe that women are not equal and women have no rights to speech and women have no rights to live in the world. Women have rights to give birth to children and produce male offspring and also do their household work. Today people in many Islamic countries change their thoughts. Women are now getting education. People are giving the rights to women do job and also female baby killing is now less. So today these illusion become wrong to people. Few people who are not get enlightened by education they believe these illusion.

So in conclusion, today world is similar to plato's cave and prisoners are the humans and shadow was the family, government, TV, radio, newspaper, and internet and many more things. People don't want to believe outside the world and they don't want to move forward. We are blinded by the monstrous hands of the government. Media we view could possibly have been censored by the government, so we are actually viewing what the government wants us to see, not the original article or film. So Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” is very relevant to society today.


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